Support us

As a charity we need your support to help us to continue and expand our services

Speak to our adoption team

Make a donation
Make a donation

Diagrama Adoption is a charity and needs your support to help us to continue and expand our services to children and families affected by adoption. Please make a donation today

Leaving a lasting legacy
Leaving a lasting legacy

Writing your will can be one of the most inspiring things you ever do. By leaving a legacy to Diagrama Adoption, you will be helping to improve the lives of adopted children in the future, ensuring valuable adoption support will be available for many years to come.


Diagrama Adoption is part of the Diagrama Foundation charity. Your fundraising helps provide vital funds to further the work we do with adopted children and adults


Whatever your reason for considering volunteering with us, we’d be happy to talk to you about what you’d like to offer and what we can provide in return.

Buy something from our Wishlist
Buy something from our Wishlist

Support our services. Gift us an essential item via Amazon and help us with our events and activities for Diagrama foster carers and adopters.

With your help we can work hard to ensure that support will always be available

Diagrama Adoption is a Voluntary Adoption Agency owned by Diagrama Foundation, a registered UK charity. Our supporters help to ensure those who adopt with us, and their adoptive children, receive the best service possible throughout their lives. With your help we can work hard to ensure that support will always be available in the future, when people need it most.

Adoptive parents helping children with homework
Adoption high fives

Book a call with us

We're ready to help you begin your adoption journey. Book an informal call with a member of our team today. We'll tell you more about Diagrama, help you understand if adoption is right for you and answer any questions you may have about the process.

On this informal and confidential introductory call you will get to:

  • Discuss your current circumstances to find out if adoption is right for you.
  • Learn about how Diagrama support our adopters with a generous benefits and support package.
  • Ask us any questions you have about adoption.