You Can Adopt campaign launched

The campaign comes as new research revealed

Diagrama and regional and voluntary adoption agencies across the country have come together this June to launch a new ‘You Can Adopt’ campaign highlighting the importance of peer to peer support to adopters.

The campaign comes as new research reveals that over a third (39%) of parents found support from other parents invaluable when raising their child.

A permanent home is transformational for children. Diagrama offers 24/7 support to prospective adopters and a community network of peer to peer support from the people who adopt with us.  As a Diagrama adopter, you’ll become part of our extended family. We offer support groups and social events to enable our adopters to get to know one another, share experiences and support each other through the entire process, and throughout life as an adopter.

“Our team ensure that anyone who goes through the process to adopt is fully supported, every step of the way. This support doesn't end when the child is placed - it's a commitment to support the child's family through a range of tools and initiatives to make sure they can be the best parents they can be.”Kate Patel, Head of Diagrama Fostering and Adoption

“We got a very strong feeling that we would be supported from the beginning of the whole process, and even afterwards, we got the support.”– Noreen, Diagrama Adopter

Over half of children (59%) waiting for permanent homes come from groups where it takes an average of eight months longer to be adopted. This includes children aged five or over, those with additional and/or complex needs brother and sister groups, and those from Black and mixed heritage backgrounds.

Latest available data* shows there are 1,980 children waiting for adoption in England, with 990 of these (50%) having waited longer than 18 months since entering care. The majority of children waiting for adoption (59%, 1,170 children) come from these specific groups that repeatedly face the longest delays in finding a home. Compared to children without these characteristics, children from these groups wait an average of eight months longer from entry into care to adoption, a total of 32 months.

Find out more about the support we provide and adopting with Diagrama, or call 0800 802 1910.

*Source – You Can Adopt 2023 Campaign. Read more about the #YouCanAdopt campaign.

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On this informal and confidential introductory call you will get to:

  • Discuss your current circumstances to find out if adoption is right for you.
  • Learn about how Diagrama support our adopters with a generous benefits and support package.
  • Ask us any questions you have about adoption.