Make a donation

Diagrama Adoption is a charity and needs your support to help us to continue and expand our services

Speak to our adoption team

There are several ways that you can donate.

You can make a one-off donation or set up a monthly donation to Diagrama Foundation online via our Just Giving Page using all major debit and credit cards or Paypal. If you are a UK taxpayer (and you pay more in tax than you are donating) we will automatically receive a further 25p in Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.

Set up a regular donation

Setting up a regular direct debit donation through JustGiving

Text to donate

Simply text DIAG09 £ (amount you wish to donate) to 70070.

For example, if you wish to give £5 then text DIAG09 £5 to 70071.

You can donate £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10.

You’ll receive an acknowledgement via text and will be asked if you wish to Gift Aid your donation. This helps to increase the amount we receive at no extra cost to you. The amount you choose to donate will then be added onto your mobile phone bill or taken from your credits if you pay as you go. All the money you donate goes to Diagrama Foundation. You may be charged for your text message. Please refer to your network operator’s standard rates. If you have any questions about JustTextGiving, visit

Bank transfer to our donations bank account

30-40 Eastcheap
London EC3M 1HD
Account Number: 01064377
Sort Code: 23-59-11

Sending a cheque

Payable to Diagrama Foundation at Suite 20, Kent Space, 6-8 Revenge Road, Lordswood, Kent ME5 8UD

Payroll giving

Payroll giving is a flexible scheme which allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax free basis to the charities and good causes of their choice.

Payroll giving donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you're a higher rate tax payer it will only cost you 60p.

Payroll giving (also known as Give As You Earn or workplace giving) is a valuable, long term source of revenue, providing regular income to help charities budget and plan ahead more effectively. Employees can choose to support any charity of their choice with a regular donation direct from their pay.

It’s cheaper because its tax free - for example, a donation of £5 per month costs the basic rate tax payer £4.00 (the taxman pays the rest!)

Ask your employer if they have a scheme already in place, otherwise more information about setting one up can be found here.

Leaving a donation in your will

See our Leave us a Legacy section to find out how you could help fund our vital adoption support service.

Adoptive parents helping children with homework
Adoption high fives

Book a call with us

We're ready to help you begin your adoption journey. Book an informal call with a member of our team today. We'll tell you more about Diagrama, help you understand if adoption is right for you and answer any questions you may have about the process.

On this informal and confidential introductory call you will get to:

  • Discuss your current circumstances to find out if adoption is right for you.
  • Learn about how Diagrama support our adopters with a generous benefits and support package.
  • Ask us any questions you have about adoption.